The Rust Family

George Rust

Mr George Rust was born on 18th May 1795 and died on 5th January 1876.

He was a committee member of the “The Huntingdon Burial Board”. He was extremely wealthy and had a vault built for his wife, Sophia Rust, when she suddenly died on 29th January 1861.

George had several faithful servants who supported his family for 30-40 years and ensured that they were rightfully buried close by to his family plot.

Maria Sharman

Maria Sharman (7b on map) was born on 11th February 1858. She was a faithful and attached servant in the family of George Rust for 30 years. She died at the age of 62.

Joseph Sisman

Joseph Sisman (7c on map) was born on 5th February 1858. He was a faithful and attached servant in the family of George Rust for 40 years. He died at the age of 73.

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